How AR Can Benefit the Real Estate Industry

November 19, 2021


Augmented reality (AR) technology has gained significant traction in various industries over the years, including gaming, healthcare, education, and retail. Recently, the real estate industry has also started implementing AR to help buyers visualize properties in a more realistic and immersive way. This technology offers a multitude of benefits that can revolutionize the way the real estate sector operates.

In this article, we will explore the benefits of incorporating AR in the real estate sector and how it can help to streamline the property buying process.

Benefits of Augmented Reality in Real Estate

Since the real estate industry is all about visual presentation, incorporating AR can provide significant advantages over traditional methods. Here are some of the benefits of virtual and augmented reality technology in the real estate industry:

1. Increasing Engagement

AR technology can create a realistic and engaging experience, helping homebuyers to become more invested in the property. Through AR, buyers can explore the house from various angles and get a better understanding of the property's layout, style, and features, simplifying the buying process.

2. Streamlining Sales

The incorporation of AR technology can streamline the sales process, which is traditionally time-consuming and frustrating. By allowing buyers to explore the property virtually, real estate agents can save time by avoiding unnecessary property visits, with only qualified buyers visiting properties in person.

3. Cost-Effective Marketing

Using AR can help real estate agents save money on marketing expenses. It can potentially reduce the need for costly physical staging and photography of the property, as AR can accurately render images of the property with high resolution and detail.

4. Increased Sales and Revenue

The immersive experience offered by AR technology can lead to increased engagement and interest from potential buyers. A study by showed that homes with 3D virtual tours sell 20% faster than ones without. Additionally, the National Association of Realtors indicated that 41% of buyers found virtual tours useful in their home search. By incorporating AR, real estate agents can increase the chance of making a sale, leading to increased revenue.


AR technology offers significant benefits to the real estate industry, including increased engagement, streamlined sales, cost-effective marketing, and increased revenue. With the real estate sector widely embracing digital transformation in recent times, the incorporation of AR in this industry has the potential to revolutionize the property buying process.


  1. Real Estate in 3D. Link:
  2. National Association of Realtors. Real Estate in a Digital Age 2019 Report. Link:

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